Saturday, 19 April 2014

Digitized Future

In the future, how would the Internet grow and advance? What would our world be like?
This is a good overview of the innovations and growth of our Internet days!

In a short span of a decade, the Internet has grown so so much. I cannot help but imagine how crazy our world would become in the next few years. Like many say, robots and avatars could possibly become norms! Right now, such thoughts seriously scare me. And I do not want to have a robot to serve me or an avatar to do things on my behalf. That would make me really really lazy and dependent on technology.

If someone were to ask me right now, "would you want the digital world to further integrate into your life?",
I would be speechless. Hahahaha! Hence, here's a list of the pros and cons of a digitized future. Perhaps it could help us all making a stand? :)

1. We would never ever need to leave our bed, couch or physical comfort zone. Every single thing could be reached in a click of a button or via voice command. Hahahahhaha, sounds pretty scary actually.
Online shopping, online gaming, online billing, online everything. Sounds super relaxed and chill huh. Only then, we could direct our focus and time to more important tasks such as family, work and academics.

2. Save on physical space! Everything is online man!! You no longer need to set aside a space for your music, books or games collection! Just so because they will be online and could be stored in a cloud :D
Say good bye to huge book shelves and dusty cupboards!!

3. Everything you own could be backed up! Going digital is playing safe for everything would be stored virtually and safely! Take for example, if you house burns down and everything is gone, you can rest assure that your online data (photos, music and everything you love and need) would still be available in the virtual cloud above you!

1. We will become so damn lazy. And impatient. We would raise our expectations of the way we obtain data and information. As things can now come to us so easily, there leaves barely any reason for us to go to them. Couch potato, anyone?

2. Items no longer belong to you solely. Going digital comes with the risk of having your privacy violated. Hackers are everywhere. Moreover, since the items are in the cloud and not with you physically, it becomes easier for others to steal and take advantage of you without your knowledge or consent. Besides, lets say you purchase an ebook or game online. You have the rights to use them. But you still do not own them! The publisher/distributor could exercise their power and restrict you from using them Anytime they want.

3. Nothing to hold onto. Nothing of any sentimental value.
Everything is virtual man. You just need a device to access them. When you are done with them or when they have expired, they would be totally gone from your life. Where have all the love for physical power ranger toys gone to? :(

4. Internet connection could fail.
Imagine everything is on the Internet, and one day the Internet fails on us, on the entire world. I wonder if we would all go into total darkness. Hmm. Here's a cat facing an Internet breakdown!

With these few points, what is your stand of a digitzed future? :)

Google Changes

Google _________.
Are you googling ________?
Do you ________ Google?
I googled ________.

Google is officially a word that has a meaning of its own (at least I think so).
From social network to cloud storage, it practically covers every thing an online user would ask for! :D
Some popular features of Google are Google search, Google translate, Gmail, Google Earth, Google Maps, and the list goes on!

Thinking back now, I realized that I will definitely cross paths with Google every single day. Hahahaha! :D
And I am grateful for its existence!! :D

Look at this pretty design! Heehee! :)

As we retain the perfect image of Google, it is interesting to know that Google has faced failures tooo!
Here's a quirky compilation of what this designer calls, Google Deaths. HAHAHAHAHHA!

With all these crazy innovation and creativity going on with Google, I would like to elaborate about 3 Google innovations which are amazinggggggggggggggg yet underrated!

Those stars above us have always been ambiguous and mysterious. And every time they say a particular planet would be visible from Earth and only occurs every century, I can never seem to find it among all those shining. BUT NOW I CAN!!! Thanks to this crazy app! :D

    This video is a relatively comprehensive summary of its functions and abilities! :D But you still got to try it for yourself to feel its awesomeness! :D
B. Google AdSense
I don't run any business on my own, but I seriously feel so super tempted when I know that there's a really affordable and effective method of advertising!! 

C. Google Balloon. Also known as Project Loon :D

It is really really amazing because these Loon balloons would float in the stratosphere, and people can connect to the balloon network via an unique Internet antenna attached to their building! :D Signal transfers would occur between the antenna on Earth and the balloon network! :D 

For 2/3 of the world's population that does not have access to the Internet, this project is the deal!! 
It would be able to reach out to rural and remote areas, and provide a whole new experience for people who live there! :) 

Watch this video about Project Loon to learn more!!! :D 

"someday soon, everyone, really will mean, everyone" 

and this is how Google is changing the world. 

Our very own citizen journalism

When you think of Singapore's journalism industry, The Straits Times, The New Paper and TODAY would probably come to mind. ST is known to everyone because it is the only, main newspaper in Singapore. TNP is well known too, for its gossips and sensationalized news. Hahahhaha!
And of course TODAY, which is free, and feels like a smaller version of ST :D All three are good for some reasons and not so for others. Thanks to the Internet, Citizen Journalism comes along and begins to fill in the gaps of these journalism outlets. However, I wouldn't say CJ is all perfect either.

Forms of Citizen journalism in Singapore:
  1. Personal blogs. One really really great example is Diane, a Singaporean who is currently based in Melbourne. One of her entries went extremely viral, for it was a crucial personal encounter of the plight of the elderly in Singapore. People were sharing, liking and commenting on Facebook, her blog and it was definitely a pretty huge thing for quite some time. Read the entry here! :) 

  2. STOMP, The Real Singapore, The Online Citizen - these platforms focus on user-generated information, where anyone can submit information which they find are news-worthy or should be revealed. 

  3. A platform for a cause. One close-hearted example is People We Remember. It is an initiative set up by my friend! :D and focuses on the theme of Lost. Individuals could submit their stories and it will be posted on this blog as how it was originally submitted. 


A Presidential speech on Youtube?

New media is changing our way of lives is crazy, unthinkable and unexpected ways. In just a span of a decade, this mad invention has impacted us so much that it has invaded almost every aspect of our lives. In context of Politics - which exists EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY COUNTRY, IN EVERY HUMAN LIFE IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER, it is changing tremendously due to Five Key Platforms.
  1. Freedom to choose / Totally spoilt for choice!
  2. Share it
  3. LIKE IT
  4. Connection connection and more connection
With widely raved applications like Youtube, Google, Spotify, cable TV, app stores and so on, users have the ability to be selective. Similarly, users approach politics in the same manner. They only listen and watch what they would wanna know. Unlike in the past where politicians convey their messages across to the people via traditional methods such as radio, television, posters and flyers, politicans today have to realize that people have a taken a liking for the new media. They have to incorporate their messages and campaigns into what most people in the world are using today. Between having to sit down and watch an entire speech made by a candidate on the television versus watching a youtube video by a candidate who included tags (e.g. #gayrights #abortion) that are in line with your concerns, which would you be more willing to spend your time on? The first one where you do not know if he/she would matter to you or the second one where you know for sure that he/she would address your area of interest?

This Share function may be just another button on your screen, but it should not be belittled! There billions of users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and so on, and these people simply love to Share, Retweet, Reblog. Today, we see political institutions like The White House and the US Labor Department which have Twitter accounts, and apparently it has 4.75MILLION and 157K Followers respectively. Moreover, they retweet each others' tweets too. Hahahhahahha!

In the local context, PM Lee also has his own FacebookTwitter and Instagram accounts!!!!!!
And it's really interesting to stalk my own Prime Minister HAHAHHAHAHHA!!
It's nice to know that a significant figure like him is connecting to his people via these platforms. Like super cool to like a photo he posts on Instagram. HMMMMM okay naybe that sounds weird :P

Lets ignore the possibility that all these may be propaganda or filled with underlying motives, but look at how it is inevitable to eventually be part of New and social media, thanks to its rapid growth and enormous influence.

Showing your support for a cause, decision, change or to conduct a poll becomes soooo easy and sooo convenient! :D Besides, it would be much faster and cheaper than making personal telephone calls.

4. Connecting with others has never been easier.
If you would like to create a political movement, protest, town hall meeting or basically to update  others of political events, new and social media is the way to go!~

Take for example the "CREATE AN EVENT" function in Facebook and Pink Dot 2014!
This event is really significant in Singapore and thanks to Facebook, it becomes sooo much simpler for organizers to invite people, spread awareness of the event and so on! :D

So we see that connecting to people has become sooo much easier. And politicians/political institutions have to weave their ideas and messages to fit into these platforms and reach out to more people across the world.


Friday, 4 April 2014

Augmented Reality X Singapore

Hi, good afternoon!
I've never witnessed augmented reality (AR) for myself in Singapore.

Ultimate confession hahahhaha!
So I was surprised to find lots of news coverage and ideas on AR when I googled it! :D

Here are some interesting events/ideas I found:

Firstly, Marina square is one of my longest favourite shopping mall hahhaha!! Korean bbq, yummy food court food, and the newest addition to my favourite list: LADY M. Delicious Green tea cakes mmmm. So in 2013, Christmas was a crazy wild experience for many @ Marina Sq!
People could actually immerse themselves in 3D AR of the North Pole! and see polar bears!!
I wished I knew about this hahaha!

#2 AR in Shopping. I repeat, shopping!!! hahahah! 
So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This whole was based in the UK, so I guess Sg doesn't have it yet.

To be honest, I still cannot tell if someone looks good in an apparel, so this idea is not completely flawless. But it is fun hahhhaa! and definitely a new experience for shoppers. I wonder if they would take into account body type of an indidual,HEHEHE! :)

So, what is Augmented Reality??!
Fusing the real and virtual world by overlaying digital data on to the real-world analogue views. Anyone with a mobile phone or laptop with built-in video capability can augment and extend their reality with easy-to-use applications :D

How does Augmented Reality works?!??
It's like magic! Hahahahaha!~
Basically, it uses two approaches: Marker-based or Location-based

Markers work by having software recognise a particular pattern, such as a barcode or symbol, when a camera points at it, and overlaying a digital image at that point on the screen. If the image is three-dimensional or animated, the effect is of a digital experience unfolding on the surface upon which the pattern is printed.

Location-based applications use the ability of a particular device to record its position in the world and then offer data that’s relevant to that location: finding your way around a city, remembering where you parked the car, naming the mountains around you or the stars in the sky. 

What skills would you need to be the AR MASTER? 
     A mixture of advanced computer vision skills
      ☼     3D modelling - includes texturing, shading and rendering
      ☼     Desktop, web or mobile programming
      ☼     Preferred programming languages can vary according to the platform but are usually C++ and C#
      ☼     A passion for pushing the boundaries of new technologies
      ☼     Open to new research in the field 

What are some platforms for you to experiment AR? :)

Till then. Lets await for Augmented reality to seep into our lives :)

Find out more here! :)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Types of Cyber Crimes

A common, local and take-for-granted impression is: Singapore is safe. Apart from some MRT hiccups, haze and road accidents, Singapore is a safe country. 

Which is somewhat true, especially since the crime rate last year fell 4.3 per cent to 29,668 cases from 31,015 cases in 2012. This is a 30-year low in 2013!! This is definitely positive, though the negative part is 
According to the 2013 Norton Report, the average cost per victim was the highest in the world, at SGD$1448; this cost is almost 4X the global average at SGD$377. 

Cheating cases include luring victims into making multiple payments for cheap smartphones or tablets after being informed by the "seller" of Customs mix-ups or delivery problems.
In 2012, there were only 14 such cases but in 2013, there were 231. About 2/3 of the victims are working professionals ranging from ages 20 to 39. 

In Singapore, there's a blog dedicated to list out scams and to warn people of them!


They first surfaced in Singapore in 2008, with seven reported cases. There were 81 cases last year, up from 50 cases in 2012. Victims handed over a whopping sum of $5.8 million, up from $1.18 million in 2012.
Such cases are definitely avoidable, and very often people are tempted by how certain products or services are so much cheaper than the market prices. Hence, it is necessary to be aware of such crimes and the methods to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
Another form of cyber crime occurs in conjunction to the rising use of social media like YouTube and Facebook. Such platforms are easily accessible to anyone, from kids to adults. As long as you know how to type and search for keywords, you can reach out to any videos or news on the Internet. 
One example of how an individual made a mockery of two Singaporeans via YouTube is this video below:

This video went viral and accumulated a total of 93000 views!! From the point of view of cyber bullying,  this clip is offensive and a violation of privacy. Just imagine how embarrassing it must be for both ladies.

Another video below depicts how this young teenager was bullied physically and online, so much so that she committed suicide.

Perhaps these crimes are considered to be a first world problem. But since we are aware that smartphones are everywhere and the Internet is so so sooooo easily accessible, it is necessary to be careful and take necessary precautions when we are out and during our daily use of the Internet.

Prevention is better than cure. 


Sunday, 9 March 2014

An afternoon video

Good afternoon folks! Do enjoy the video I made with Malcolm (the dude on your left) below! :D

As much as it was embarassing for both of us, it was a crazy & fun process :D
And hopefully it made you smile ;)

The process of making this video is rather straightforward and simple. Perhaps cause it's a really simple video, as you can see. HEHE.

  1. Using my digital camera and the help of my bro, Sheng-he, we placed it on top of a biscuit box.
  2. Adjust the camera such that the screen fits Malcolm and I nicely
  3. Press START!!
  4. filming in process
  5. Press STOP!!
  6. Transfer the video from my camera to my laptop
  7. Open WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER and upload the video there
  8. Add in a part for the Title
  9. Add in a part for the Credits
  10. Upload a piece of music from my laptop onto the WMM
  11. Adjust the volume to make sure the music does not overpower our voices
  12. Review the video a few times to ensure that it is smooth!
  13. SAVE PROJECT AS ______ so that I can re-edit it if needed
  14. SAVE MOVIE AS ______ so that I can permanently convert it to an actual MP4 video which can be posted on sites like Youtube
  15. Log in to Youtube and upload the video. Fill in the necessary details such as the title of the video, tags, and category it belongs to.
  16. Preview the video on Youtube to ensure that it streams smoothly! :)
  17. Last but not least, I embedded it on my blog right here! :)

  1. MAL'S FACE WAS CROPPED OUT OF THE SCREEN after I saved it permanently as a MP4 video =.=
  2. I couldn't find a way to make the volume of the music louder initially and then let it fade out afterwards :(
  3. The camera I used occasionally went out of focus on its own.

  1. Provide more headroom during video taking. In other words, place the video further away from the subjects. This would ensure that a similar problem like cropping Malcolm's head away would not occur again! :)
  2. Go to a quieter place to film. Since I would be placing the camera further away, and we cannot possibly speak much louder or that would sound like shouting, the next best option to ensure clear recording of our voices would be to film in a quieter environment.

So yep, I appreciate this chance to do this video and learn about areas I am unsure of! :D
Shall work on them.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Why I am not so favorable of a digital education

Undoubtedly, Digital approaches to education has its benefits. From being able to 'attend class' in Starbucks with your favorite drink to saving the Earth cause you could reduce on transporting yourself to school and on paper for notes. Nevertheless, at this moment it seems to me that there is more harm than benefit in this method of learning.

#1 The Rise of Social Media 
Social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest are equivalent to a youth's haven. We find pleasure in chatting with friends online, and posting photos of our daily lives. We seek refuge in watching youtube videos in the comfort of our homes. With all these within a click away, how is a student going to concentrate? Suppose the lesson induces sleep and is really boring, other distractions such as scrolling through the news feed on FB or Twitter are definitely more attractive. 

#2 Becoming connected in an increasingly disconnect world 
Ironically. As we start to feel comfortable in front of our computers, we shy away from the awkwardness of meeting people face to face. We call less, write less, talk less and share less. We use short cuts, abbreviations, instant messaging and  status updates. We focus more ourselves and letting others know about us, us and us. We subconsciously forget that our online behavior is visible to everyone. On a personal and physical level, we are becoming increasingly disconnected. Therefore, imagine education becoming digitized. To me, I view education as a platform for individuals to learn from each other, make mistakes and to discover themselves; individuals could brainstorm, share their knowledge and grow together. Digitizing it does not enhance these aspects of education, in fact it neglects them. To discuss a topic online with my group mates, I am unable to see them and to understand them. Even if I work with them for a project, I will never understand them for who they are.

Over time, if everything allows for the Internet to be a medium, how would physical interaction play a role in our social life?

#3 There's so much information on the Internet. This has a few consequences. Firstly, we can click click and easily get information. We need not go through a tedious thinking process to understand a certain concept because there are bound to be others who have already simplified it for us. Therefore, there's almost no reason for us to practice our critical thinking skills! :( Whether the info is credible or not, that's another point, and another risk. As we are more susceptible to receiving and taking in information, some of them could be dangerous but unknown to us.

As a student, college life is not just alllll about education. I believe it is the nitty gritty details such as having lunch with my friends, whispering during lessons and chit chatting with my teachers that make it enjoyable and meaningful. However, a digitized learning environment only allows for such activities to happen virtually. 


Saturday, 22 February 2014

My favorite app

E-commerce (EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet. 
Used interchangeably with e-business
Also known as e-tailing for online retail selling. Or simply put, blog shops and online stores.
I'm do not really fancy online shopping very much. There were a few times where I bought things online and what I received was not what I expected. *Heart ache cause it felt like a waste of $$*
Nevertheless, I see myself wandering into some online stores at times, and clicking the 'SALE' section happily hahaha! Not that I would necessarily buy anything, but it is pleasing to the eye! Sounds like an addicted shopaholic, no?

So anyway, I would like to share with you a local e-commerce businesses which I feel is really really good. In some way, this inspires me to set up my own business too. It tells me that it is possible to grow a small idea into something that thrives across the entire nation! Hehe! :)

AND LETS WELCOME...............
Carousell, founded in May 2012
An app I use pretty often and falls into a more specific category: Mobile e-commerce
Carousell is amazing because it is a platform for Anyone to sell &/or buy almost Anything & Everything legal online to/from Anyone else. HAHAHA!
You could look for your item via a Search function or via categories such as 'For Her' and 'Vintage'.
You also get to monitor any activities related to your items listed! :)
Here's a sneak peak!!

I was introduced to this app by a friend, and since then I got really hooked onto it. Hooked on not just because it is addictive, it seriously works!!! I sell some of my new and second hand apparels and accessories via this channel and buyers who are interested in my items could simply 'Chat me'.

In case you would like to visit my shop, search 'pzt' in the User Search tab! :P
Sellers/Buyers also do trading and negotiating, and all these are within reach of your mobile phone. Quoting from Carousell's official website, "Whenever you open the Carousell app, you'll probably find some stuff you need, and stuff you didn't know you needed."

Here's an interview with the founders! :D

Unlike other e-commerce like Ebay and Qoo10, Carousell does not collect any form of commission or registration fee despite being a a mobile C2C marketplace! :D

It is absolutely free for users! :D Woots!!! hehe! 
So I assume that they profit from advertisements and sponsorships! :) 
For example, at the Activity page, there is often an advertisement about the latest flea markets in town by ForFleaSake (FFS). Perhaps cause Carousell functions like a 'Digital flea market', it does have some sort of common interest with FFS. Both are outlets for individuals who wanna sell their secondhand items and who have a liking for knick knacks and cheap clothes! haha! :) 

Putting aside my baseless assumptions, Carousell recently managed to "raise about 800K seed funding by Rakuten, with follow-on investiments by Golden Gate Ventures, 500 Startups, and a few other angel investors such as Danny Oei Wirianto and Darius Cheung" (quoted from Tech In Asia).

It even intends to expand into the Malaysian and Indonesian market!! :D HEHE!
On average, a Carousell user would open the app about 10 times a day and spend about 25 minutes on it daily. In comparison, a Facebook user opens the app 14 times a day and uses it for 30 minutes daily. To date, the community has created a million listings on the Carousell marketplace, and over 20% of that ends up getting purchased. - Jacky, Vulcon Post
Personally, I really like it :)
Other than some irresponsible buyers/sellers, it is a crazy virtual marketplace to sell your stuffs!! :D Totally free!! :D So if you have something stagnating at the corner of your room, take a picture of it and list it on Carousell! It only take 30 seconds!~


Friday, 14 February 2014

You've got 6 seconds

Tweet a 6 seconds video, and that's it. As simple as that! :D
Vine is a mobile video sharing app created in June 2012. In a short span of 3 months, it was acquired by Twitter. In 2013, it was ranked the 4th most downloaded app and had an estimate of 6 million US users.
Waaaaa! :D
So, vine

Or Vine??

Its co-founder, Colin Kroll explained in 6 seconds that "The future of Vine is everyone being able to create short looping videos from their mobile phone in the language that they speak and discover great content." 

As some have questioned if 6 seconds were too short to capture anything, Kroll pointed out that "It (Vine) enables a level of creativity that was untapped before Vine." And I thought that this is really true. The idea of keeping things simple, capturing moments and on-the-go. That's what attracts users. As of now, no other video sharing platform is as straightforward and user-friendly as this! Moreover, it is an app based in a device most of us have now - our smart phones. 
Before moving on, here's a compilation of some hilarious and popular Vine videos of 2013! :) 


Putting Vine in a continuum with other social media apps, it is probably somewhere in between Instagram and Twitter. Users can take a video, share it and post it. Excluding all the photos and plain texts. It is powerful not because of any revenue it makes, but because it make Twitter a better social network.
Social networking, by definition, refers to individuals connecting with one another across social media sites/applications, and getting to know individuals whom they have a common liking with, similar interests and perhaps compatible personalities.

Via Facebook, which has so many users, advertisements and user-generated content, it is tough and distracting to find another individual of similar interest. It is too huge and too broad that we probably don't feel comfortable adding friends randomly. Besides, many of us probably do not disclose any personal information to the public. So there's really not much left for social networking other than with the people we know.

Then there's Instagram, which started off primarily as a photo-sharing app, and recently with a 10 seconds video function. Over time, it has become a platform where individuals seem to be overly conscious and caught up with themselves for any social networking to take place. Narcissism is more evident and is slowly becoming a norm in such media creation. Of course, I will not forget to acknowledge amazing users like @drewkelly who posts photos and videos of his life as an English teacher in North Korea and journey to new places. While his photos and videos often capture the raw moments of people and their lives, he complements them with his captions as they are insightful and thought provoking! :D

And yeah, not forgetting Vine's parent company, Twitter! Ads on Twitter are valuable due to the crazy number of users scrolling through their news feed each time. Ohyeah that's why they are expensive - $200 000 per day to run a Promote Trend.

For users, simply post a photo on FB or Instagram and you can them all on your Twitter feed! Share a URL you read online or a Youtube video you found really funny, all on Twitter! CONVENIENT OR WHAT?

As a result of Twitter's popularity, introducing Vine to its user was easy peasy. Thanks to it being clean cut, pretty cute, coooool and new, users have no reason to not give Vine a try! Over time, it becomes a video sharing app which is more personal than Facebook and has less emphasis on 'the self' than Instagram. Unless you are gonna take a 6 seconds video of yourself smiling at the camera. Hmmm...

Therefore, Vine feels like a balance. What do you think? :)
Quoting from Ellen DeGeneres, “My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.” 


Saturday, 8 February 2014

So, do you ♡ music or social media?

As teenagers of the 21st century, we ♡ both. We loveeeee both music and social media. The question is, can we really have the best of both worlds?

In the past, music reached us in the form of vinyls, CDs and tape recorders or via the radio and television. 
Today, most of these forms still stay, with the addition of Social Media. Youtube, Spotify, Pandora radio and other online streaming platforms have grown so rapidly in less than half a decade that it's no doubt they are here to stay for awhile more. 

As consumers, we are sooo enjoying the benefits of Social Media. We message our friends via Facebook and Twitter, we scroll through our Instagram feed to admire hipster photos taken by people we know and do not know and we conveniently head to Youtube to stream the latest new hits for free (with exception of your internet fees). 

From the perspective of the music industry, social media has probably taken a toll on them. Apart from having to review traditional methods of promoting and releasing music, they have to realize that consumers now know, see and listen to much more than in the past. They are more demanding in terms of convenience, price and variety. With social media, they are expose to much much much more music, and will probably not listen to a single album for a very long time. One they see something better, they would probably gravitate towards it. Moreover, there's no longer a need to bring a compilation of their favorite ear candies, no longer do they have to spend a lump sum of money on a new Ipod nano! 
Your mobile phone + a music streaming app = that's all you ever need! 

And the other unjustified thing is, Social media = data. The more followers, likes and shares you have, the more popular you are. That sounds pretty logical huh. and somewhat superficial. 
So now, bands and artistes use such data to decide if they should release an album, hold a performance or even do a tour. Sponsors would probably take into account these factors before deciding to fork out their money. It becomes an additional factor to consider at the expense of spreading music to the world. It opposes the passion for wanting to perform for fans since bands actually consider those who aren't even supporters. Talent and good music is no longer a priority.

On a side note, am I making sense to you? and am I going in circles? Hmm, I'm confused myself :/ Hahahahahaha!

Anyway, the weird thing of social media is how it is slowly and subconsciously frying our brains. Quoting from Tony Hymes (read article here)
"social media has exposed us to more than we would ever know about without it, but at the expense of not really getting to know any of it. We are — thanks the spin of Earth — limited to twenty-four hours each day. The more things we have to pay attention to, the less time we can spend on each one."
Take what he said into the context of listening to music. Can you really listen and appreciate a piece of music when you have so many other things to listen yet so little time? Music is meant to take time, to be slept on and to be soothing. It shouldn't be objectified to race against time, neither should it be something which young people listen to feel part of the popular crowd.

Personally, I feel guilty over what Hymes said. Social media began as a fun and exciting thing for me. Gradually, and unfortunately, it became something which fed on my narcissistic self. I realized how relationships around me became increasingly disconnected (yet virtually and superficially connected). It dawned upon me that it has started to take control.

Therefore, to music lovers out there, it is necessary to realize that music is not something we can connect with in the same way we scroll through our news feed and get updates of our friends. Yes please, access music via Social Media since it's so easy and full of choices. But as Hymes pointed out, "give proper attention to make a deep and lasting connection to music."

Have a great weekend~

P.S. Do take a look at this music timeline! :D It is super cool hahahhaha! :)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Internet X Domain names

Here's a common sight on my lovely bed.

Books for whatsoever purpose + some drink + Laptop switched on and ready to connect to the Queen Bee of our hearts - the Internet. Hahaha!
As time passes, it seems to be integrating into every part of our lives! From connecting with friends to buying movie tickets online and even grocery shopping, it is pretty hard to say that I can live as smoothly and conveniently without it. *guilty*

As such, I suppose it is important to understand how on the earth this weird, invisible, headless creature connects to us!! :D And I figured out that one of the ways in which it does is through DOMAIN NAMES.
Imagine this: You switch on your lappy > click onto IE > type in the website address #likeapro > and TA DA, you are at where you are. The crucial point lies in how the website address actually brings you to your online destination.

Firstly, Domain names (DN) are used to identify IP addresses - a really long set of numbers. So instead of having to remember so many numbers, you just remember a name :D Perfect~

Secondly, DNs are used in URLs to identify web pages. And every domain name would be accompanied with a suffix (e.g. edu, gov, net, sg, cn) which indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. In the past, TLDs are limited to only a few. However, IT IS CHANGINGGGGG!!
Recently, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) received 1930 applicants for new generic top level domains (gTLD)! In other words, instead of the usual and, we can now have URLs like stomp.gossip and
Some real and popular names which were submitted include .guru, .sucks, .ninja and .book. Hahahha can't help but laugh at the second one!! Anyway, because these names were applied by more than one 'buyer', they would be put up for auction. As a base fee, applicants already have to pay $185 000. So can you imagine how much more $$$$ it would cost if buyers have to still bid for the name. Ohmyyy crazy crazy!!

One not-so-surprising thing is that huge Internet companies such as Google and and Amazon bidded for 101 and 74 names respectively. And a wholesale company, Donuts, which was specially created to earn $$$ on this expansion bidded on 307 gTLDs. Tskkk!!

So anyway, the current status quo is that some gTLDs would available from TODAY (4th Feb 2014) onwards. But they are non-english terms :D
·         Arabic word for "web"
·         Russian word for "online" and "site"
·         Chinese word for "games"

and Donuts announced that these english gTLDs would be available from Wednesday
·         camera
·         equipment
·         estate
·         gallery
·         graphics
·         lighting
·         photography

How cool are all these right hehe. Honestly, I think my bird brain will have a pretty tough time remembering some sites. Especially since they would probably be longer, with more syllabus and letters. Heh heh heh!
This totally sounds like a legitimate limitation to this expansion. WHY? Domains names were meant to be easy to remember. Snap snap kind of thing. So as it gets longer and perhaps more confusing, it may not be as easy to remember anymore :/

So anyway, apart from all these new expansions, the question now is 
do check out this link as this guy has compiled a really good list of reasons :D

Have a happpyyyy day, earthlings! :D
