Saturday 19 April 2014

Google Changes

Google _________.
Are you googling ________?
Do you ________ Google?
I googled ________.

Google is officially a word that has a meaning of its own (at least I think so).
From social network to cloud storage, it practically covers every thing an online user would ask for! :D
Some popular features of Google are Google search, Google translate, Gmail, Google Earth, Google Maps, and the list goes on!

Thinking back now, I realized that I will definitely cross paths with Google every single day. Hahahaha! :D
And I am grateful for its existence!! :D

Look at this pretty design! Heehee! :)

As we retain the perfect image of Google, it is interesting to know that Google has faced failures tooo!
Here's a quirky compilation of what this designer calls, Google Deaths. HAHAHAHAHHA!

With all these crazy innovation and creativity going on with Google, I would like to elaborate about 3 Google innovations which are amazinggggggggggggggg yet underrated!

Those stars above us have always been ambiguous and mysterious. And every time they say a particular planet would be visible from Earth and only occurs every century, I can never seem to find it among all those shining. BUT NOW I CAN!!! Thanks to this crazy app! :D

    This video is a relatively comprehensive summary of its functions and abilities! :D But you still got to try it for yourself to feel its awesomeness! :D
B. Google AdSense
I don't run any business on my own, but I seriously feel so super tempted when I know that there's a really affordable and effective method of advertising!! 

C. Google Balloon. Also known as Project Loon :D

It is really really amazing because these Loon balloons would float in the stratosphere, and people can connect to the balloon network via an unique Internet antenna attached to their building! :D Signal transfers would occur between the antenna on Earth and the balloon network! :D 

For 2/3 of the world's population that does not have access to the Internet, this project is the deal!! 
It would be able to reach out to rural and remote areas, and provide a whole new experience for people who live there! :) 

Watch this video about Project Loon to learn more!!! :D 

"someday soon, everyone, really will mean, everyone" 

and this is how Google is changing the world. 

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