Saturday 19 April 2014

Digitized Future

In the future, how would the Internet grow and advance? What would our world be like?
This is a good overview of the innovations and growth of our Internet days!

In a short span of a decade, the Internet has grown so so much. I cannot help but imagine how crazy our world would become in the next few years. Like many say, robots and avatars could possibly become norms! Right now, such thoughts seriously scare me. And I do not want to have a robot to serve me or an avatar to do things on my behalf. That would make me really really lazy and dependent on technology.

If someone were to ask me right now, "would you want the digital world to further integrate into your life?",
I would be speechless. Hahahaha! Hence, here's a list of the pros and cons of a digitized future. Perhaps it could help us all making a stand? :)

1. We would never ever need to leave our bed, couch or physical comfort zone. Every single thing could be reached in a click of a button or via voice command. Hahahahhaha, sounds pretty scary actually.
Online shopping, online gaming, online billing, online everything. Sounds super relaxed and chill huh. Only then, we could direct our focus and time to more important tasks such as family, work and academics.

2. Save on physical space! Everything is online man!! You no longer need to set aside a space for your music, books or games collection! Just so because they will be online and could be stored in a cloud :D
Say good bye to huge book shelves and dusty cupboards!!

3. Everything you own could be backed up! Going digital is playing safe for everything would be stored virtually and safely! Take for example, if you house burns down and everything is gone, you can rest assure that your online data (photos, music and everything you love and need) would still be available in the virtual cloud above you!

1. We will become so damn lazy. And impatient. We would raise our expectations of the way we obtain data and information. As things can now come to us so easily, there leaves barely any reason for us to go to them. Couch potato, anyone?

2. Items no longer belong to you solely. Going digital comes with the risk of having your privacy violated. Hackers are everywhere. Moreover, since the items are in the cloud and not with you physically, it becomes easier for others to steal and take advantage of you without your knowledge or consent. Besides, lets say you purchase an ebook or game online. You have the rights to use them. But you still do not own them! The publisher/distributor could exercise their power and restrict you from using them Anytime they want.

3. Nothing to hold onto. Nothing of any sentimental value.
Everything is virtual man. You just need a device to access them. When you are done with them or when they have expired, they would be totally gone from your life. Where have all the love for physical power ranger toys gone to? :(

4. Internet connection could fail.
Imagine everything is on the Internet, and one day the Internet fails on us, on the entire world. I wonder if we would all go into total darkness. Hmm. Here's a cat facing an Internet breakdown!

With these few points, what is your stand of a digitzed future? :)

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