Saturday 19 April 2014

A Presidential speech on Youtube?

New media is changing our way of lives is crazy, unthinkable and unexpected ways. In just a span of a decade, this mad invention has impacted us so much that it has invaded almost every aspect of our lives. In context of Politics - which exists EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY COUNTRY, IN EVERY HUMAN LIFE IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER, it is changing tremendously due to Five Key Platforms.
  1. Freedom to choose / Totally spoilt for choice!
  2. Share it
  3. LIKE IT
  4. Connection connection and more connection
With widely raved applications like Youtube, Google, Spotify, cable TV, app stores and so on, users have the ability to be selective. Similarly, users approach politics in the same manner. They only listen and watch what they would wanna know. Unlike in the past where politicians convey their messages across to the people via traditional methods such as radio, television, posters and flyers, politicans today have to realize that people have a taken a liking for the new media. They have to incorporate their messages and campaigns into what most people in the world are using today. Between having to sit down and watch an entire speech made by a candidate on the television versus watching a youtube video by a candidate who included tags (e.g. #gayrights #abortion) that are in line with your concerns, which would you be more willing to spend your time on? The first one where you do not know if he/she would matter to you or the second one where you know for sure that he/she would address your area of interest?

This Share function may be just another button on your screen, but it should not be belittled! There billions of users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and so on, and these people simply love to Share, Retweet, Reblog. Today, we see political institutions like The White House and the US Labor Department which have Twitter accounts, and apparently it has 4.75MILLION and 157K Followers respectively. Moreover, they retweet each others' tweets too. Hahahhahahha!

In the local context, PM Lee also has his own FacebookTwitter and Instagram accounts!!!!!!
And it's really interesting to stalk my own Prime Minister HAHAHHAHAHHA!!
It's nice to know that a significant figure like him is connecting to his people via these platforms. Like super cool to like a photo he posts on Instagram. HMMMMM okay naybe that sounds weird :P

Lets ignore the possibility that all these may be propaganda or filled with underlying motives, but look at how it is inevitable to eventually be part of New and social media, thanks to its rapid growth and enormous influence.

Showing your support for a cause, decision, change or to conduct a poll becomes soooo easy and sooo convenient! :D Besides, it would be much faster and cheaper than making personal telephone calls.

4. Connecting with others has never been easier.
If you would like to create a political movement, protest, town hall meeting or basically to update  others of political events, new and social media is the way to go!~

Take for example the "CREATE AN EVENT" function in Facebook and Pink Dot 2014!
This event is really significant in Singapore and thanks to Facebook, it becomes sooo much simpler for organizers to invite people, spread awareness of the event and so on! :D

So we see that connecting to people has become sooo much easier. And politicians/political institutions have to weave their ideas and messages to fit into these platforms and reach out to more people across the world.


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