Wednesday 26 March 2014

Types of Cyber Crimes

A common, local and take-for-granted impression is: Singapore is safe. Apart from some MRT hiccups, haze and road accidents, Singapore is a safe country. 

Which is somewhat true, especially since the crime rate last year fell 4.3 per cent to 29,668 cases from 31,015 cases in 2012. This is a 30-year low in 2013!! This is definitely positive, though the negative part is 
According to the 2013 Norton Report, the average cost per victim was the highest in the world, at SGD$1448; this cost is almost 4X the global average at SGD$377. 

Cheating cases include luring victims into making multiple payments for cheap smartphones or tablets after being informed by the "seller" of Customs mix-ups or delivery problems.
In 2012, there were only 14 such cases but in 2013, there were 231. About 2/3 of the victims are working professionals ranging from ages 20 to 39. 

In Singapore, there's a blog dedicated to list out scams and to warn people of them!


They first surfaced in Singapore in 2008, with seven reported cases. There were 81 cases last year, up from 50 cases in 2012. Victims handed over a whopping sum of $5.8 million, up from $1.18 million in 2012.
Such cases are definitely avoidable, and very often people are tempted by how certain products or services are so much cheaper than the market prices. Hence, it is necessary to be aware of such crimes and the methods to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
Another form of cyber crime occurs in conjunction to the rising use of social media like YouTube and Facebook. Such platforms are easily accessible to anyone, from kids to adults. As long as you know how to type and search for keywords, you can reach out to any videos or news on the Internet. 
One example of how an individual made a mockery of two Singaporeans via YouTube is this video below:

This video went viral and accumulated a total of 93000 views!! From the point of view of cyber bullying,  this clip is offensive and a violation of privacy. Just imagine how embarrassing it must be for both ladies.

Another video below depicts how this young teenager was bullied physically and online, so much so that she committed suicide.

Perhaps these crimes are considered to be a first world problem. But since we are aware that smartphones are everywhere and the Internet is so so sooooo easily accessible, it is necessary to be careful and take necessary precautions when we are out and during our daily use of the Internet.

Prevention is better than cure. 


Sunday 9 March 2014

An afternoon video

Good afternoon folks! Do enjoy the video I made with Malcolm (the dude on your left) below! :D

As much as it was embarassing for both of us, it was a crazy & fun process :D
And hopefully it made you smile ;)

The process of making this video is rather straightforward and simple. Perhaps cause it's a really simple video, as you can see. HEHE.

  1. Using my digital camera and the help of my bro, Sheng-he, we placed it on top of a biscuit box.
  2. Adjust the camera such that the screen fits Malcolm and I nicely
  3. Press START!!
  4. filming in process
  5. Press STOP!!
  6. Transfer the video from my camera to my laptop
  7. Open WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER and upload the video there
  8. Add in a part for the Title
  9. Add in a part for the Credits
  10. Upload a piece of music from my laptop onto the WMM
  11. Adjust the volume to make sure the music does not overpower our voices
  12. Review the video a few times to ensure that it is smooth!
  13. SAVE PROJECT AS ______ so that I can re-edit it if needed
  14. SAVE MOVIE AS ______ so that I can permanently convert it to an actual MP4 video which can be posted on sites like Youtube
  15. Log in to Youtube and upload the video. Fill in the necessary details such as the title of the video, tags, and category it belongs to.
  16. Preview the video on Youtube to ensure that it streams smoothly! :)
  17. Last but not least, I embedded it on my blog right here! :)

  1. MAL'S FACE WAS CROPPED OUT OF THE SCREEN after I saved it permanently as a MP4 video =.=
  2. I couldn't find a way to make the volume of the music louder initially and then let it fade out afterwards :(
  3. The camera I used occasionally went out of focus on its own.

  1. Provide more headroom during video taking. In other words, place the video further away from the subjects. This would ensure that a similar problem like cropping Malcolm's head away would not occur again! :)
  2. Go to a quieter place to film. Since I would be placing the camera further away, and we cannot possibly speak much louder or that would sound like shouting, the next best option to ensure clear recording of our voices would be to film in a quieter environment.

So yep, I appreciate this chance to do this video and learn about areas I am unsure of! :D
Shall work on them.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Why I am not so favorable of a digital education

Undoubtedly, Digital approaches to education has its benefits. From being able to 'attend class' in Starbucks with your favorite drink to saving the Earth cause you could reduce on transporting yourself to school and on paper for notes. Nevertheless, at this moment it seems to me that there is more harm than benefit in this method of learning.

#1 The Rise of Social Media 
Social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest are equivalent to a youth's haven. We find pleasure in chatting with friends online, and posting photos of our daily lives. We seek refuge in watching youtube videos in the comfort of our homes. With all these within a click away, how is a student going to concentrate? Suppose the lesson induces sleep and is really boring, other distractions such as scrolling through the news feed on FB or Twitter are definitely more attractive. 

#2 Becoming connected in an increasingly disconnect world 
Ironically. As we start to feel comfortable in front of our computers, we shy away from the awkwardness of meeting people face to face. We call less, write less, talk less and share less. We use short cuts, abbreviations, instant messaging and  status updates. We focus more ourselves and letting others know about us, us and us. We subconsciously forget that our online behavior is visible to everyone. On a personal and physical level, we are becoming increasingly disconnected. Therefore, imagine education becoming digitized. To me, I view education as a platform for individuals to learn from each other, make mistakes and to discover themselves; individuals could brainstorm, share their knowledge and grow together. Digitizing it does not enhance these aspects of education, in fact it neglects them. To discuss a topic online with my group mates, I am unable to see them and to understand them. Even if I work with them for a project, I will never understand them for who they are.

Over time, if everything allows for the Internet to be a medium, how would physical interaction play a role in our social life?

#3 There's so much information on the Internet. This has a few consequences. Firstly, we can click click and easily get information. We need not go through a tedious thinking process to understand a certain concept because there are bound to be others who have already simplified it for us. Therefore, there's almost no reason for us to practice our critical thinking skills! :( Whether the info is credible or not, that's another point, and another risk. As we are more susceptible to receiving and taking in information, some of them could be dangerous but unknown to us.

As a student, college life is not just alllll about education. I believe it is the nitty gritty details such as having lunch with my friends, whispering during lessons and chit chatting with my teachers that make it enjoyable and meaningful. However, a digitized learning environment only allows for such activities to happen virtually. 
